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All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Early American Art and Heritage Projects Supported

Americana Foundation: American Heritage

Application deadline: Concept letters and grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed quarterly.
Grant amount: Typically $10,000 to $25,000
Description: The Americana Foundation’s American Heritage program area supports projects and programs throughout the United States that seek to broaden the inclusivity of early American art and the early American historical narrative to “tell the full story of” the American experience. The Foundation seeks to support organizations and projects that elevate those whose perspectives have been traditionally underrepresented, especially people of color, Indigenous people, and women. Examples of eligible projects include interpretation or reinterpretation of art, decorative arts, or other objects of early American material culture (“Americana”) and their placement on public display for the appreciation and understanding of present and future generations; internships, fellowships, apprenticeships, and other career development opportunities for people interested in the curation, conservation, preservation, or restoration of Americana; and exhibits, visual media, interactive experiences, and other educational programs that contribute to better understanding or “tell the full story” of the American experience. (The Foundation’s Agriculture and Food Systems and Natural Resources program areas provide support in Michigan.)