201 N.E. 23rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, (405) 528-7515; (800) 324-6651; Fax (405) 528-7560

ARPA Reporting


ARPA Reporting


ARPA Reporting

All NEU municipalities in Oklahoma that accepted ARPA funds are required to report every year by the deadline of April 30th until April 30, 2027 as pg. 16 of the ARPA Project and Expenditure Report User Guide explains. If you are unsure if your municipality is an NEU, a complete list of all of the NEU’s and the funds they have received from ARPA is found on the state of Oklahoma’s Website here. The U.S. Treasury’s reporting portal opens on April 1st for NEU’s  and the deadline to submit the report is by April 30, 2024.  If your municipality has spent all of your ARPA funds, you will still need to login and report to indicate nothing has changed since the last report. If your municipality has not spent all of the ARPA funds, as a reminder, you have until December 31st of 2024 to obligate the funds and until December 31st of 2026 to  expend the funds.  As FAQ 13. 17 from the U.S. Treasury mentions, an obligation is an order placed for property and services, contracts and subawards made, and similar transactions that require payment.

ARPA Reporting Portal

The Treasury’s ARPA reporting portal is accessed at this link: https://portal.treasury.gov/compliance 

Updating The Point Of Contact For Reporting

If you need to update the point of contact for reporting and someone with your municipality has access to login, follow the steps on pages 82-88 of the Project and Expenditure Report User Guide . If the original submitter is no longer available or if you cannot login to the report after trying the steps in the user guide, email COVIDReliefITSupport@treasury.gov with the subject (Entity Name)- Update to Designated Individuals.” The email should include each role that needs to be updated along with the full name, title, email and phone number of the new person designated. If the current authorized representative is not available, explain the circumstance in the email. If you do not receive a response to the email in a couple of days, call the treasury as soon as possible at (844) 529 9527.

ARPA Reporting Walkthrough and Office Hours

The Step-by-Step reporting walkthrough video from the U.S treasury can be accessed here: ARPA Simplified Yearly Reporting Video From U.S. Treasury. If you have any ARPA reporting or uses questions, Oklahoma Municipal league will be having a virtual reporting walkthrough and office Hour April 2nd, 2024 from 1pm to 2pm and every Tuesday in April from 1pm to 2pm. During these office hour meetings, we will be walking through the mandatory yearly reporting step by step.  If you have questions, you can unmute yourself or type a question in the chat box. The same virtual meeting below will be used every Tuesday in April. If you are not able to attend a virtual office hour and you have questions, watch the Reporting videos from 2023 and 2022 below, fill out an inquiry at https://www.oml.org/inquiry or call OML at (405) 528 7515.

Reporting Walkthrough and Office Hours Virtual Meeting Information:

Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
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Meeting ID: 290 684 255 318
Passcode: NvdbiM
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OML ARPA Videos and Materials

 PowerPoint Walkthrough

 Webinar Recording            Agenda 

Contact OML at https://www.oml.org/inquiry  or call OML at (405) 528 7515 with any questions.

The OML American Recovery Plan Act service provides information based on the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the state of Oklahoma. Each Oklahoma municipality is responsible for submitting and verifying the correct budget information, using ARPA funds correctly, and submitting a project and expenditure report every year in April until 2026. The advice of a municipal attorney, as a legal advisor, should be followed before making any decisions regarding accepting, spending, or reporting on ARPA funds.

OML does not provide legal advice or act as a legal advisor. The OML American Recovery Plan Act Inquiry service provides information based on the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the state of Oklahoma. Each Oklahoma municipality is responsible for submitting and verifying the correct budget information,  using ARPA funds correctly, and submitting a project and expenditure report by April 30th, 2022. The advice of a municipal attorney, as a legal advisor, should be followed before making any decisions regarding accepting, spending, or reporting on ARPA funds.